Apr 24, 2017 | Anger, Anxiety, children, communication, Counselling, Counselling Kellyville, Counsellor, Counsellor Bella Vista, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Featured, healthy relationships, hurt, overreacting, Relationships
-Counselling Kellyville Words are fascinating little things. They can be like fertiliser in so much as they can nourish, inspire, rally, stir, encourage. Another’s words can tell us we are loved, beautiful, capable, worthy. They can enrich and enlarge our hearts. They...
Apr 10, 2017 | Anxiety, Blog, children, healthy relationships, Relationships, Shame
What is shame? It’s a thief. It sneaks into your spirit in the still of the night, and robs you. No. More than robs, shame ransacks your self-esteem at the deepest level. Whilst guilt says, “what you did was bad”, shame gets personal. It says,...
Jul 11, 2016 | Anxiety, children, healthy relationships, parenting, Relationships, resilience, Stress, Uncategorized
The worst part of anxiety is having anxiety about the anxiety, itself. The metaphor of a snowball being rolled down a hill of is one I use to illustrate how unchecked anxiety rapidly grows. Children can learn to cope with anxiety by learning two crucial skills:...