Apr 24, 2017 | Anger, Anxiety, children, communication, Counselling, Counselling Kellyville, Counsellor, Counsellor Bella Vista, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Featured, healthy relationships, hurt, overreacting, Relationships
-Counselling Kellyville Words are fascinating little things. They can be like fertiliser in so much as they can nourish, inspire, rally, stir, encourage. Another’s words can tell us we are loved, beautiful, capable, worthy. They can enrich and enlarge our hearts. They...
Apr 19, 2017 | communication, Counselling, Counsellor, Counsellor Bella Vista, Featured, healthy relationships, listening, marriage, relationship breakdown, Relationships, resilience
There is no question, one of the most common issues I find in my counselling room when working with couples, is communication. Or more specifically, listening. In fact, listening to each other seems to be a common interpersonal issue. I was once in a communication...