Couples Counselling
Intimate partner relationships can be the source of our greatest joy, and our greatest pain. It is very often with our intimate partner, that we make ourselves most vulnerable. We seem to require more of this relationship; expect more; feel things more intensely.
According to Canadian Psychologist Dr Susan Johnson, when we fight with our partner, we are really protesting over emotional disconnection. Underneath all the distress, partners are asking each other.
“Can I count on you, depend on you? Are you there for me? Will you respond to me when I need, when I call? Do I matter to you? Am I valued and respected by you? Do you need me, rely on me?” (Johnson, 2008).
Most often, this ‘protest’ is coming from a place of wanting to re-establish a sense of safe connection with each other, but maybe not being sure how. This is where Couples Counselling can be extremely helpful. It gives the couple an opportunity to examine the patterns that exist in their relationship and to help them to renegotiate a safe connection.
Please contact Deborah on 0416 166 501 to arrange an initial consultation.
Do you have questions or would you like to enquire about an appointment? Please leave your details below and I will be on contact with you soon.
We are situated in Lexington Drive, Bella Vista. Please feel free to contact Deborah Sanasi on 0416 166 501 to arrange an initial consultation.
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